7 Steps to Financial Freedom

Step 1: Get A Plan For Your Money

Get A Plan For Your Money – Budget Each Month
«A budget is telling your money where to go, not wondering where it went.» -John Maxwell


Do I Need A Budget?
Have you ever had too much month left over at the end of your money?
Have you ever had a fight with your husband or wife because you didn’t agree on what you should spend your money on?
Have you ever felt you don’t have enough money to do the things you would like?
You need a budget!


«If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.» -Zig Ziglar


Budgeting Brings Freedom
A budget doesn’t decide your spending, you decide the budget.
You can decide the boundaries and spend freely up to those boundaries.
Instead of worrying about spending too much, or wondering can you buying something, you feel free to spend up to what you have previously decided.

What do you think about starting to plan your finance?

What does Jesus say about planning our money?


Budget Meeting
Every month as you are paid have a “budget meeting” with your husband or wife and spend all of your money – on paper.
Give every yen a name and tell it where to go.
There should be nothing left over, but rather everything is allocated.
This is called zero-based budgeting.
Remember to stick to the budget and any changes should be discussed with your spouse first!


Why Should We Tithe?

When we tithe we are making God head over all of our finances. We are acknowledging that all that we have belongs to God.
A tithe is—one-tenth of all we produce.

Where do we tithe?

The storehouse (the church).

What does God promise those who tithe?
Blessing and Protection:
In Malachi 3:10-11 God invites us to test Him in His promise of blessing and protection.

When we give God the first and the best, He will cause us to overflow in all that we produce. This means we will have the opportunity to bless others.

Set Apart (Made Holy):
God will not only make the 10% holy, He will make the remaining 90% holy too because of the 10% that was offered to Him.


Sample Budget
Work Income  (100%) _________________
Other Income  _________________
## TOTAL INCOME  (100%) _________________  ##

Tithes  (10%) _________________
Investing  (15%) _________________
Savings (5%) _________________
Kids College – (5%) _________________
Extra Giving – (5%) _________________
## TOTAL OVERFLOW (40%) _________________  ##

Housing (25%) _________________
Utilities (10%) _________________
Food (10%) _________________
## TOTAL NEEDS (45%) _________________  ##

Eating Out (2.5%) _________________
Misc (2.5%) _________________
## TOTAL WANTS (5%) _________________  ##

Life Insurance (2.5%) _________________
Health Insurance (5%) _________________
Pension (2.5%) _________________
## TOTAL INSURANCE (10%) _________________  ##


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