Starting my Relationship with Jesus

Holy Spirit

Our Helper and Empowerer

Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to help and empower them. The Holy Spirit is God, just as the Father and the Son, Jesus, are God. We can relate to the Holy Spirit in a personal way. He has already helped you to understand about God.

The Holy Spirit Helps Us

How does the Holy Spirit help us?

The Holy Spirit Gives Us Life

In what ways does the Holy Spirit change our lives?

The Holy Spirit Empowers Us

In what ways does the Holy Spirit empower us?

For what purpose does the Holy Spirit empower us?

The Holy Spirit Is in Us

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be in us (John 14:17).

Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), this is the way that God shows that we are His (2 Corinthians 1:22).

Ask a Friend

  • How has the Holy Spirit helped and empowered you?
  • What other questions do you have about the Holy Spirit?
  • How can the Holy Spirit help you in your life?


Read what Jesus said to His disciples in John 20:22.

How can we be receptive to the Holy Spirit in our lives?


Prayer Model

Holy Spirit, I thank You that You are with me and in me, that You comfort me and guide me in the truth. Please fill me with Your power.

Key Verse