Big Three

Clean Heart

Psalm 51:10 says “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” As followers of Jesus we are called to live with a clean heart — towards God and other people. Having a clean heart will keep us in God’s will and lead towards healthy relationships.

Clean Heart Check

How can we identify the things that are wrong in our own hearts?


Why is it wrong to hold onto bitterness in our hearts?


How Can We Keep a Clean Heart?

When the Bible was written, people went to bed as the Sun went down.

When is a good time to forgive others in our day?

What lets the devil get a foothold into our lives?

How can we avoid giving the devil any control in our hearts?

What do we need to “guard” our heart against?

Have there been times where you let unforgiveness, bitterness or anger into your heart?

Ask a Friend

  • How often do you ask God to search your heart?
  • How does God show you whats in your heart?
  • How has this helped you?


  • How often should you check your heart?
  • Every evening, with a grateful heart, forgive others and ask Jesus for guidance on what to change as we follow him.

Prayer Model

Lord Jesus, I thank you for forgiving me and giving me a way to have a free and clean heart. Help me to forgive each day as you forgive me.

Key Verse