Building Strong Foundations


Repentance is a change of mind followed by a change of action. It involves a decision of the will (with or without emotions) to change direction from going our own way, to going God’s way.

The First Foundation Stone

Why Repent?

What Causes Repentance?

Who draws us?

What leads us to repentance?

Steps of Repentance

Read about the Lost Son in


What are the Lost Son’s steps of repentance? Answer the questions below.

1. (v13) – The Problem – Greed and covetousness (Why did the son leave the father?)

2. (v18) – Sin Acknowledged (What did he want to say to his father?)

3. (v17) – A Change of Mind (How did he come to a change of mind?)

4. (v20) – A Change of Action (What action did he take?)

5. (v21) – Confession (What did he say to his father?)

6. (v19) – Setting Things Right (Restitution) – Make me as one of your hired men… (How did he set things right?)


Can you share a story of personal repentance?


What are some actions that show change in your life?

How can you make repentance a lifestyle?

Prayer Model

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your forgiveness. I repent from my own wrong ways and turn to Your ways, which lead to life.

Key Verse

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