Growing in my Relationship with Jesus


The Greatest Reason

As we read the Bible we are encouraged about how much God loves us. But God also commands us to have the same love for others – even our enemies! Our love for others should be real, not just shown through words but also through our actions, and it should be the reason for everything we do.

God’s Love

What has God done for us?


How powerful is God’s love for us?

What does God want us to do?

God’s Command to Love

What has Jesus commanded us to do?

How will others know that we are His disciples?

Why is it important to love your enemies?

How can we become better at loving people?

Love Is the Reason

Why is love so important?

What kind of love is described?

Ask a Friend

  • Do you find it easy to love people?
  • What part of this study do you find the most challenging?


Hebrews 10:24  says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

What are some ways that we can show love to people?


HOMEWORK: This week, take some time to meditate on and receive God’s love. Also, evaluate your own motives – think, “When I did that, was love my motive?”

Prayer Model

Lord Jesus, I thank You that You love me so much. I thank You that You have put Your love in me. I pray that You would help me to be guided by love in everything I do.

Key Verse

Study Topics