Building Strong Foundations

Jesus’ Death & Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is the changing and glorification of His physical body. The Greek word is “Anastasia,” which means to make to stand up or rise up. There are many infallible proofs of the resurrection of Jesus recorded in the scriptures.

Did Jesus Really Die?

Numerous religious and political motives caused the Jews and Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, to kill Jesus and make sure that He remained dead and buried. Therefore important security precautions were taken.


1. Christ was put to death by crucifixion. Who was on guard to verify the crucifixion?


2. Who was holding Jesus’ body?


3. What was the body wrapped with?


4. What was the tomb cut out of? What was rolled in front of it?

Traditionally the stones that were rolled in front of these tombs weighed 2 tonnes.


5. How did Pilate secure the tomb?

Traditionally a Roman guard comprised of 16 men of the most effective fighting unit. And tombs were sealed shut with the official authority and signage of Rome. Breaking the seal meant death.

The Many Infallible Proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus


1. The tomb was empty.


2. The body was missing from the grave clothes.


3. Many Witnesses

Name the witnesses from the following scriptures:


4. The large rock was rolled away.


5. The enemies of Jesus didn’t deny the resurrection.


6. The changed lives of the disciples.


Do you have any questions about the death & resurrection of Jesus?


Knowing that Jesus has risen from the dead, how can you live each day confidently and unafraid?

Prayer Model

Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross for me. I rejoice in You because You conquered death once and for all time.

Key Verse

Watch Ps.Rod’s Teaching on Youtube
Part 1
Part 2