Dream Team Members Training

Dream Team 1: The Basics

Serve The Lord With Gladness

This is our heart to serve. Our goal is to love God and love people through our gifts and passions. We can find amazing ways to realize these passions through serving on the Dream Team. We are honored to serve, not because we ‘have to serve’ but because we ‘want to serve.’


Dream Team Vision

The hope of the world is Jesus Christ powerfully displayed through the local Church. Lifehouse vision is to reach people with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ so that all may become His fully-devoted followers. This vision is achieved by these four pillars.

  1. Weekend Services — We are here for the lost.
  2. Grow Course — We provide a catalyst for spiritual and personal growth.
  3. Connect Groups — We believe that real life change happens in the context of relationships.
  4. Dream Team — We empower people to actively live out their God given purpose.


Dream Team Values

God values people and so do we! 

Mission — The mission is to empower people to do the “works of ministry so that the body of Christ may be “built up.”

  • Every team is vital to fulfilling the overall mission and vision of the Church.
  • Every team aspires to be sustainable and abundant enough to have a healthy team rotation at all services or events, and key leadership in place.

ProgressionEmbrace every stage, learn new skills and responsibilities, be equipped and empowered to reach your full potential. Ask, where am I on my journey and intentionally look for opportunities to grow as a follower of Jesus. 


Dream Team Practices

BalanceThis means team rotation has to be well thought out, especially for those serving outside the main hall. We recommend team members make time to worship where possible as a way to stay spiritually and personally nourished.


Team Huddles — The entire team comes together to prepare, receive position assignments and logistics, and pray (around 5 minutes). This is essential for team unity and clarity.

Generally speaking, teams start serving 45 minutes to one hour before the service begins. But Setup and Production teams may need to start earlier. As soon as Huddles are complete (around 5 minutes), teams move forward with standard assignments.


Appreciation Events — Your Campus Pastor or Dream Team Coordinator, and coach will provide direction for individual and team appreciation. Additionally, every year the entire team joins together for the Dream Team Party. This is a time to share appreciation, food, giveaways, and maybe even some entertainment. The goal is to celebrate what God has done, build relationships, and have lots of fun!

The Dream Team exists to build the Body of Christ, with each person fulfilling their calling and serving to make an eternal impact.


Dream Team Structure

Biblical Model
There were masses of people that followed Jesus. These were the very people that He was sent to save, but it was impossible to care for each one. So Jesus built a team of disciples that knew Him intimately and carried on His work effectively.

It is impossible for one leader to develop, care, and coach every member of the church effectively. But with a Dream Team in place, the masses are cared for effectively.


Dream Team Model

Lifehouse Dream Team Structure


Campus Pastor / Dream Team Coordinator 

When a campus has under 500 attendance, the Campus Pastor is the Dream Team Coordinator. When a campus consists of over 500 regular attendance, the Campus Pastor should consider appointing a Dream Team Coordinator to help carry the growing load. The Dream Team Coordinator has the vital role of relaying information from the Campus pastor to the Area Coordinators and visa versa.


Area Coordinator 

Area Coordinators oversee multiple teams and carry the heart and culture imparted to them by the Campus Pastor or Dream Team Coordinator. They have a passion to help Coaches recruit members for the Dream Team, and impart vision, vital information, and culture.


Dream Team Coach 

Every Dream Team has a Coach who leads the team through imparting the vision of the church and through personal coaching, development, care, and recruitment. As the Dream Team grows, the Coach can also equip and empower the members in the team to step into these responsibilities.


There are six basic responsibilities:

  • Vision Casting
  • Love and uphold Lifehouse culture 
  • Administration
  • Training
  • Recruitment and integration
  • Care 

In the early stages it may be possible for the Dream Team Coach to handle all six responsibilities but as the team grows that may become increasingly difficult. To maintain health and include more ministry gifts in the team, we encourage Coaches to develop and disperse at least some of these to responsible to team members who can oversee these areas.


Dream Teamers

Dream Teamers are the building stones of the church. They come from all walks of life and bring a colorful variety of skills and gifts. Some gifts are in their raw state but are ready to be sharpened and polished! They serve and minister in a variety of areas across the whole church.