Starting my Relationship with Jesus

Who Is Jesus?

God Became a Man!

Jesus is one of the most famous people who ever lived on earth. But He is not just a man, the amazing things that He did and the perfect life He lived show that He is God. The big question is – why did God come to earth and become a man?

100% God

What was special about Jesus’ birth?


How did Jesus show that He is God?


Who did Jesus say He was?


What happened after Jesus died?

100% Man

What did Jesus give up to become human?


In what ways was Jesus like us?


How do we know that Jesus can understand our lives? What was different about Him?

Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why did God send Jesus into the world?


How did God show His love for us?


How did Jesus make salvation possible for us?

Ask a Friend

  • Why do you believe in Jesus?
  • How do you know He is real?
  • Do you have any other questions about Jesus?


  • If Jesus was here now, what would you say to Him?
  • What would you ask Him?
  • How could Jesus help you with your life?
  • Would you like to pray to receive Jesus’ love and forgiveness?

Prayer Model

Lord Jesus, I worship You and thank You for coming to earth to save me. Thank You for dying for my sins. Please forgive me and make my life totally new. Now I will live for You – I want to be like You.

Key Verse