Leading Others to Jesus

Sharing From Your Experience

What Jesus Did for Me

Your experience of how God saved you and how He changed your life is powerful. God can use your story to reach out to the people around you. God invites us to be part of His great plan — telling other people about Jesus.

Your Powerful Story

What should we tell people and why?

How should we tell people our story?

What can stop us from telling our story? What should we do?

What kind of power is it? What is it for?

How to Share Your Story

There are 3 parts to the structure of Paul’s story.

1. Before receiving Christ:

Paul doesn’t describe every detail of what he did wrong, but rather, focuses on why he did those things (don’t share information that’s too personal, or about areas where you don’t have the victory).

2. His encounter with Christ:

Everyone’s encounter with Christ is special, even if it’s not as dramatic as Paul’s encounter.

3. After receiving Christ:

How did Paul Change?

What were the benefits of his changed life?

Ask a Friend

Can you share your story? Keep it short! (Under 3 minutes)

Follow the structure used by Paul.

1. Before receiving Christ:

2. Encounter with Christ:

3. After receiving Christ:

If you have time, share your story with the group or in pairs.


  • How have you changed?
  • What are the benefits of your changed life?

Prayer Model

Lord, I pray that I will have an opportunity to share my story with someone else. Help me to be prepared for any opportunities that come my way.

Key Verse